About Us

The Division of Microbial Ecology (DOME) at the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CeMESS) is a team of microbiologists and molecular biologists. Our mission is to unravel the complexities of microbial life and its profound impact on our health and environment.

Our research explores the evolution, ecophysiology, interactions and functions of microbes across a broad range of systems. We apply cutting-edge methods, from 'omics analysis, to single-cell isotope probing, to microbial imaging, to computational community modelling.

Get to know our research by exploring our active projects and the researcher profiles of our principle investigators. 

At DOME, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of scientists at every level of education, including undergraduate and doctoral programs, as well as intensive methods-based courses.



In January the M.I.N.T. (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology) project group from the Individualisierte Teil-Ausbildungen (ITA)...


David Berry of DOME has been awarded a WWTF (Vienna Science and Technology Fund) Life Sciences 2024 grant. His project focuses on engineering gut...


The FWF SCILOG magazine has spotlighted the BaMiKo project led by David Berry (DOME Division). This inspiring feature showcases how microbiome science...