Download daime

Current version

The current daime version is 2.2.3

Terms of use

daime is free for use in academic research and education. We merely ask users to cite the following article if their published results were obtained by using daime:

Daims H, Lücker S, Wagner M. 2006. daime, a novel image analysis program for microbial ecology and biofilm research. Environ. Microbiol. 8: 200-213.

Download links



daime is designed for easy setup. It can be operated from a computer's local hard disk or from a portable storage device such as a USB memory stick. Detailed information on system requirements and step-by-step installation instructions are available in Appendix I of the daime user manual.

On Windows systems:

Extract the downloaded file into an empty folder on the local hard disk of the computer or any other storage device. Then double-click at the file daime.exe to start daime. Optionally, if daime has been copied to the local hard disk: right-click with the mouse at daime.exe, then choose Pin to start or Pin to taskbar.

On Linux systems:

Copy the downloaded file daime_2_2_3_Linux into your home folder or any other convenient location. Open a terminal, navigate to this folder, and type chmod a+x daime_2_2_3_Linux to make the file executable (this step is required only once). Then, enter ./daime_2_2_3_Linux & to start daime. Optionally, add the directory containing daime to the PATH environment variable to launch daime from any location, or create a desktop shortcut to the daime executable for easier access.


  • To create movies using the 2D/3D visualization modules in daime, install the ffmpeg program through the package manager of your Linux distribution.
  • If online checks for new versions of daime or for daime-related news fail, ensure that the OpenSSL library (version 1.0.x) is installed on your system. If it is not, install it through the package manager of your Linux distribution.
  • daime for Linux performs optimally on Debian and Ubuntu Linux (from version 14.04 LTS onwards) and on Ubuntu-based distributions such as Xubuntu, Linux Mint, among others. It has also been successfully tested on OpenSUSE. Fedora, Red Hat, and CentOS are not officially supported, although daime may function on some systems running these distributions.