Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Wagner






Vice Director of the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science

☎ +43 1 4277 91200

Humans are strongly impacting the global nitrogen cycle by massive use of nitrogen fertilisers. Nitrification leads to fertiliser loss, eutrophication, and greenhouse gas emission, but is essential for efficient wastewater treatment. Research in Michael Wagner‘s group focuses on the ecology, physiology, and evolution of nitrifying microorganisms. Michael Wagner’s group has discovered, cultured, and characterised important new nitrifying bacteria and archaea, including the long sought-after complete nitrifiers, describing unexpected physiological traits in the process.
Michael also has a strong interest in microbial communities driving sewage treatment and in the microbiomes of marine sponges. His group also develop innovative single cell tools to study functional properties of microbes in their natural environment. Michael is an EMBO member, has received an ERC Advanced Grant, the FWF Wittgenstein Award (highest Austrian science award), the Jim Tiedje Award of the International Society for Microbial Ecology, and the Schrödinger Prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He is the director of the FWF Cluster of Excellence “Microbiomes Drive Planetary Heath”.

Ongoing Research Projects

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To view Michael Wagner's teaching activities at the University of Vienna, visit u:find.

Group Members


Legin, A., Schintlmeister, A., Reipert, S., Malherbe, J., Schaumlöffel, D., Jakupec, M., Wagner, M., & Keppler, B. (2016). Ruthenium-based drug distribution in colon cancer 2D and 3D cell cultures revealed by correlative NanoSIMS and TEM imaging. In Book of Abstracts: SIMS Europe 2016, 18 - 20.09.16, Münster, Deutschland

Men, Y., Han, P., Helbling, D. E., Jehmlich, N., Herbold, C., Gulde, R., Onnis-Hayden, A., Gu, A. Z., Johnson, D. R., Wagner, M., & Fenner, K. (2016). Biotransformation of Two Pharmaceuticals by the Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaeon Nitrososphaera gargensis. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(9), 4682-4692.

Nesme, J., Achouak, W., Agathos, S. N., Bailey, M., Baldrian, P., Brunel, D., Frostegård, Å., Heulin, T., Jansson, J. K., Jurkevitch, E., Kruus, K. L., Kowalchuk, G. A., Lagares, A., Lappin-Scott, H. M., Lemanceau, P., Le Paslier, D., Mandic-Mulec, I., Murrell, J. C., Myrold, D. D., ... Simonet, P. (2016). Back to the Future of Soil Metagenomics. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(FEB), [73].