

Academia Europaea is a European, non-governmental association whose objective is the advancement and promotion of scholarly work in Europe. It...


Desert soil microorganisms endure long droughts in a dormant state and rely on rain events for their reactivation. An international team around Dagmar...


Our International FISH Course will be held again from September 9th to 13th 2024. During the one-week course, participants will be introduced to the...


The first "AI for Life Sciences" hackathon, hosted by Vienna-based software company Gradient Zero in collaboration with David Berry from DOME. This...


Embark on a flavorful journey with the BaMiKo project, where cooking meets microbiology! Discover the secrets of a healthy gut through vlogs, crafted...


Congratulations to Barbara Bayer for receiving a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for her METHANIAQ project to investigate the...


A multi-university consortium coordinated by David Berry and including CeMESS member Isabella Wagner has been funded to support research into the...


The European Research Council (ERC) awarded a Consolidator Grant to DOME group leader Jillian Petersen to delve into the biodiversity and ecological...


CeMESS proudly announces that five of its researchers are on the 2023 Clarivate list of the world's most highly cited researchers. This prestigious...


Anna Mueller successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Novel, cultivated marine nitrite oxidizers – characterization of their genomes, physiology...


Patrick Arthofer successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Interactions of giant viruses with their hosts and symbiotic bacteria" on October 13,...


Marlies Dietrich successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "The impact of environmental factors and small-scale interactions on the structure and...


Liz Hambleton, a group leader at DOME, was recently involved in a PNAS paper about Aiptasia sea anenomes. The research findings point to early...


Swiss independent AVINA Stiftung has awarded one of its sought-after grants to Shaul Pollak, a group leader at DOME. The funding will support Pollak’s...


Taurine is not only a semi-essential nutrient of animals and humans, but also a substrate for specialized gut bacteria that respire it to hydrogen...


The Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CeMESS) at the University of Vienna proudly announces a significant milestone: securing...


Alejandro did his PhD at the University of Valencia, Spain, and worked as a postdoc at INRA, Montpellier, France, before joining DoME as Marie...


PhD student Sarah Zauner, from the Marine Symbioses Group at DOME, has taken the radio spotlight on Ö1 this week, featuring in their series "Vom Leben...


The recently established FWF Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health" unites microbiome research in Austria, bringing together 8...


Anouk Willemsen was promoted to the position of an Assistant Professor (tenure track) and will start a new ERC-funded group at DoME with a focus on...


Congratulations to Barbara Bayer for winning the START-Award of the Austrian Science Fund FWF. Her project will focus on microbial methane production...


Petra Pjevac participated in the ninth edition of the event series "Umwelt im Gespräch" ("Environment in Conversation"), discussing the topic of...


Dimitra Sakoula and Paula Rojas participated in the Falling Walls Lab Austria, held at the Technical University Graz, where they in 3 minutes pitched...


Florian Moeller successfully defended his PhD thesis "Ecophysiology of the symbiont microbiome in the sponge Ianthella basta" on June 16, 2023. The...